
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Getting started

Avoid merge conflicts when using jupyter notebooks with git.

Install nbdev

nbdev works on macOS, Linux, and most Unix-style operating systems. It works on Windows under WSL, but not under cmd or Powershell.

You can install nbdev with pip:

pip install -U nbdev

... or with conda:

conda install -c fastai nbdev

Note that nbdev must be installed into the same Python environment that you use for both Jupyter and your project.

To install the nbdev hooks, run nbdev_install_hooks. That's it, you're mostly set up. You can now run nbdev_clean --fname demo_notebook.ipynb to get rid of the metadata for a single notebook or nbdev_clean --fname . for all notebooks in your repo before commiting the changes. Check out nbdev_clean --help for more details.

Running this manually before every commit is tedious however, so let's automate this. There is two ways to do this: If you're working with native jupyter-notebooks or jupyter-lab you can just do this. This is great, as it takes care of most jupyter related problems for you automatically, however I think this also introduces a bit too much overhead (mainly because it works off of remote repo). Alternatively (also if you want to work in an editor) you can run git hooks on your local repository.

Install pre-commit

In order to use local git hooks you can use pre-commit

You can install pre-commit with pip:

pip install pre-commit

... or with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit

Then (in your repository) create a file named .pre-commit-config.yaml with the following content:

-   repo: local
    - id: nbdev_clean # hook id 
      name: nbdev clean # some readable name
      entry: bash .pre-commit-hooks/run_nbdev_on_staged_files.sh # path to the script
      language: system # how to run the script
      types: [jupyter] # what to run it on
      stages: [commit] # when to run it

and a file .pre-commit-hooks/run_nbdev_on_staged_files.sh that contains.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

for arg in "$@"; do
    nbdev_clean --fname "$arg" # removes only metadata
    # nbdev_clean --clear_all --fname "$arg" # removes outputs and metadata

These file should be added to staging or .gitignore depending on if you want to work off of the same pre-commit config. In your repository run pre-commit install to set up the git hook scripts and your done! Now pre-commit will run nbdev_clean automatically on git commit!. Depending on what hooks you'd like to run you can also add nbdev_merge or nbdev_trust to your config in a similar fashion.

More details can be found here and here.