
Demo brochure edition for AIS equipment for the use of Skippers ⚓

Author of the electronic content ready for sphinx

Jean-Noël Schilling

Editors of the original brochure

VTT Expert Group | Authors: Annick Javor, Stefan Bober, Piet Creemers, Jeffrey van Gils, Wim van der Heijden Contact: website:, e-mail

Link to the pdf brochure (2013):

Internationalization : how to update the translations

Following the Sphinx documentation

Install sphinx-intl

pip install sphinx-intl
locale_dirs = ['locale/']   # path is example but recommended.
gettext_compact = False     # optional.

Extract translatable messages into pot files.

make gettext

Until now the e-brochure is translated from the english to French, Dutch, Germann and Hungarian

In case new languages would be added in the future the file needs to be updated accordingly:

language = ['en', 'fr', 'de', 'nl', 'hu'] 

Generate po files in french / german / dutch and hungarian

sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext -l fr -l de -l nl -l hu

Once completed, the generated po files will be placed in the below directories:

  • ./locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
  • ./locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
  • ./locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/
  • ./locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/

After translation, it requires to build the translated html (here for french language)

make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='fr'" html

OR For Windows cmd.exe, run:

set SPHINXOPTS=-D language=fr
.\make.bat html

Then the default language needs to be updated back to English

set SPHINXOPTS=-D language=en
.\make.bat html

In case the e-brochure is updated, the translation needs to be updated accordingly

Update your po files by new pot files If a document is updated, it is necessary to generate updated pot files and to apply differences to translated po files. In order to apply the updates from a pot file to the po file, use the sphinx-intl update command.

make gettext #getting the updated text
sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext -l fr -l de -l nl -l hu #apply the text into the translations
sphinx-intl update -p locale #creating the po file