
Client implementation for my Campsite project.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Campsite Client

This project is mostly for testing the Campsite project. It contains a number of source files:

  1. src/status-updater.js is a class for creating an object that sends a status update message in the format expected by Campsite at a defined interval

  2. src/gps.js is a simple class for reading location data fromgpsd

  3. src/simulator.js is a test harness that reads "device" information from sim-config.json to simulate devices sending their information. Only to be used in development/for demonstrations.

  4. src/worker.js is a command line utility that accepts config files or config items as command line switches. This is the best option for working in production, and would be ideal for use in a systemd unit. Command line options are as follows:

usage: worker.js [-h] [-v] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-I INTERVAL] [-C CALLSIGN]
                 [-D] [-c CONFIG]

Simple worker to send location data for a specific sensor to an instance of

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -v, --version         Show program's version number and exit.
  -H HOST, --host HOST  IP address or domain name of Campsite instance
  -P PORT, --port PORT  Remote port of Campsite instance
  -I INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        Interval in seconds between messages
  -C CALLSIGN, --callsign CALLSIGN
                        Callsign or name of sensor
  -D, --debug           Output debug information to stdout
  -c CONFIG, --config-file CONFIG
                        Path to a config file

Installing in production with systemd unit

This method will install Campsite Client into /opt/campsite-client and create a systemd unit called campsite-client.

First, obtain a release zip file. This can be downloaded from the Releases Page or built from the command line:

$ git clone https://github.com/jnsgruk/campsite-client
$ cd campsite-client/
$ ./build-release.sh

Once you have a release zip, copy it onto the client device and run:

$ unzip campsite-client.zip && sudo ./campsite-client/install.sh

To configure the client, edit the /opt/campsite-client/config.json file. Note that running the install script on a device already running the client will not touch your config file.

Build Project

To transpile, combine and minimise the source into a single file:

$ git clone https://github.com/jnsgruk/campsite-client
$ cd campsite-client/
$ yarn
$ yarn run rollup

The production build will be saved in build/campsite-client.js. This can be run simply by making the file executable and running ./campsite-client.js combined with the options displayed above.


The simulator is used to populate a Campsite server with false devices for demonstration purposes. To get started, clone the repo and double check the config/sim-config.json file has the correct devices configured. The simulator script will read the host and port config from config/config.json Next, run the following:

$ yarn install
$ yarn run sim