
Nix flake for ⭐craft applications and libraries.

Primary LanguageNixApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


FlakeHub tests

A nix flake for the Canonical ⭐craft suite of tools.


This flake is now deprecated - snapcraft, rockcraft and charmcraft are now available in upstream nixpkgs, and this repository is no longer maintained.

The code remains in tact in case the approach is a useful reference in the future, but attempting to install the packages will throw an error.

Quick start

The default package is charmcraft, which you can build/test with:

# Run charmcraft
$ nix run github:jnsgruk/crafts-flake#charmcraft

# Run rockcraft
$ nix run github:jnsgruk/crafts-flake#rockcraft

# Run snapcraft
$ nix run github:jnsgruk/crafts-flake#snapcraft


First, add this flake to your flake's inputs

inputs = {
    # ...
    crafts.url = "github:jnsgruk/crafts-flake";

Ensure that you configure your system to use the included pkgs overlay:

nixpkgs = {
    overlays = [ inputs.crafts.overlay ]

Next, configure your system using the included packages:

{ pkgs, ...}: {
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [