
Dotfiles and associated automation

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

jnsgruk's dotfiles

This repository contains the dotfiles, and some lightweight automation in the form of some bash scripts that make it easy to get started.


To get started really fast with my shell/terminal config, you can:

$ wget https://jnsgr.uk/provision
$ bash provision

Automation Breakdown

For shell/terminal config, the most interesting parts here are:

  • ./scripts/install-packages-shell - installs software needed for zsh/vim/tmux setup.
  • ./scripts/link-configs-shell - symlinks configs/s for my zsh/vim/tmux setup.
  • ./scripts/install-fonts - installs a couple of nice fonts (including fancy powerline fonts).

There is also some automation to get a functioning desktop using sway:

  • ./scripts/install-packages-sway - installs various packages needed for my sway setup.
  • ./scripts/link-configs-sway - symlinks configs/dotfiles for sway setup.

When installing packages for sway, if on Arch Linux, packages will be installed from the AUR, if on Ubuntu, then some will be installed from the archives, but some will be compiled from source to ensure that I have the correct versions that support the features I use.