
A cocktail recipe store for consumption on your mobile device of choice!

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a simple static website for hosting cocktail recipes. The actual site is rendered with Go templates and served by default over Tailscale (using tsnet) by a simple Go binary that embeds the page. The page is designed to be viewed on a mobile - it works okay on bigger screens, but I've not yet made that look "right".

The page is styled with the excellent Vanilla Framework, because that's what I had to hand.

Cocktail recipes are served up from a JSON file containing the recipes. The format is listed in a section below. There is an example included.

screenshot of libations


Command line flags

./libations -help
Usage of /bin/libations:
  -addr string
        the address to listen on in the case of a local listener (default ":8080")
  -hostname string
        hostname to use on the tailnet (default "libations")
        start on local addr; don't attach to a tailnet
  -recipes-file string
        path to a file containing drink recipes
        include tsnet logs in application logs (default true)

Using Nix

# Enter the development shell
nix develop

# Run the package
nix run .#libations


Before building you must have Go installed.

git clone git@github.com:jnsgruk/libations

# Optional - if not provided you'll be prompted
export TS_AUTHKEY="tskey-auth-aBcdEfghIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"

# Run the application on the tailnet
go run main.go

# Or run the application locally (handy for development)
go run main.go -local

Recipe File Format

The drinks.json file is a list of JSON objects, where each object represents a drink:

    "id": 7,
    "name": "Adderly",
    "base": ["Bourbon"],
    "glass": ["Coup"],
    "method": ["Shake"],
    "ice": [],
    "ingredients": [
      { "name": "Orange Bitters", "measure": "1", "unit": "dash" },
      { "name": "Lemon", "measure": "20", "unit": "ml" },
      { "name": "Sugar", "measure": "5", "unit": "ml" },
      { "name": "Maraschino", "measure": "15", "unit": "ml" },
      { "name": "Bourbon", "measure": "45", "unit": "ml" }
    "garnish": [],
    "notes": "I like this one, good with frozen Bourbon"