
A simple Ubuntu LTS based OCI-image that contains Traefik, built from source

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Traefik OCI Image

This repository contains the source for creating a Ubuntu-based OCI image for Traefik.

The build is composed of three stages:

  • Building the web UI/dashboard
  • Building Traefik
  • Creating a Ubuntu based container with the Traefik binary

The resulting container is based on ubuntu:focal. The default user is traefik, and the directory /etc/traefik is owned by that user.

Releasing a new version

To release a new version of the image, create a Pull Request ensuring that you update the version file to represent the version of Traefik you want the image to contain.

Once the PR's workflows have passed, merge the PR and tag the commit with the Traefik version on the main branch, e.g.

git tag -a 2.6.1
git push origin 2.6.1

This will trigger a workflow to build the image, and publish to Docker Hub.

Building / Testing

You can build the image like so (note that setting the build arg is mandatory):

$ docker build -t jnsgruk/traefik --build-arg TRAEFIK_VERSION="$(cat version)" .

Quick Validation

Once the image is built, you can test like so:

docker run \
  --rm \
  -p \
  -it jnsgruk/traefik \
  --api.dashboard=true --api.insecure=true --log.level=DEBUG

You should then be able to visit http://localhost:8080/dashboard/.