
A shell utility to commit the staged changes using a movie or tv-show inspired message.

Primary LanguageShell


A shell utility to commit the staged changes using a movie or tv-show inspired message.


I tend to make mistakes against the style guide so I create linting commits on a regular base. I don't like boring messages so I thought it would be fun to add movie & tv-show inspired messages, slightly adjusted to have the word "lint" somewhere.

Inspired by https://github.com/fowbi/lint-along


  1. Clone this repository
  2. cd into the project directory
  3. chmod +x lintflix.sh
  4. ln -s "$(pwd)/lintflix.sh" /usr/local/bin/lintflix


# Fix some linting errors
> git commit .
> lintflix

A new commit is created (e.g. 🚨 James Bond - Lint Another Day)