PHP Library for connecting to QuickBooks.
Note: This was done with an AU account. There are differences between regions of Quickbooks Account. If you are using a different region's account and encounter any issue, please make a report of it.
Install it using composer.
composer require rangka/quickbooks dev-master
To start using this library, you must create an app in the Developer's Dashboard and obtain the consumer key and secret.
Add this to the beginning of your app.
'consumer_key' => CONSUMER_KEY,
'consumer_secret' => CONSUMER_SECRET,
'sandbox' => SANDBOX,
'oauth_token' => OAUTH_TOKEN,
'oauth_token_secret' => OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET,
'company_id' => COMPANY_ID,
- Usesandbox
if this is a development environment. Leave it empty for production.OAUTH_TOKEN
- This will be retrieved after the OAuth process. It can be left empty until the value is obtained.- Take note for
, there are 2 token secret values given by Quickbooks. One during authorization, and another after authorizing. Make sure to set both values into the Configuration as you receive them.
Connecting to Quickbooks
Quickbooks uses OAuth in order to establish an authenticated connection to it. This documentation will not delve too much detail into it and instead will just lay out what you need. Go through the documentation to find out more.
1. Connect Button
Follow Quickbooks' documentation here.
2. Prepare a redirection page
// CONNECT_URL is page in Step 3. This is the landing page
// user will be redirected to after authorizing.
$connector = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Connect([
'callback_url' => CONNECT_URL
// This will return a `url` for redirecting and `oauth_token_secret`.
$result = $connector->requestAccess();
// Save `oauth_token_secret` somewhere. We will use it later on.
// Make sure this value is used in Configuration above.
$_SESSION['oauth_token_secret'] = $result['oauth_token_secret'];
header("Location:" . $result['url']);
3. Prepare landing page (after user authorizes).
$connector = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Connect();
$result = $connector->connect($_GET);
will contain oauth_token
, oauth_token_secret
, oauth_expiry
and company_id
. Save all of this value into a permanent storage (eg: database). These values are the ones that will be used on the Configuration.
is a UNIX Timestamp indicating when this token will expire. By Quickbooks' rule, it will expire after 6 month although this timestamp will expire in 180 days for simplicity sake (no need for date manipulation).
Take note, make sure oauth_token_secret
provided into Configuration is value returned here, NOT value returned previously during authorization. That value can now safely be removed.
As the OAuth Token will expire, you will need to reconnect when the expiry date approaches. I recommend reconnecting a few days before the expiry instead of on the day itself.
$connector = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Connect();
$result = $connector->reconnect();
will contain a new oauth_token
, oauth_token_secret
and oauth_expiry
Simply remove all of the Configuration values from your storage.
To read a resource, initialize its service and call load($id)
on it. Take note not all Service have read capability. Check QB's documentation to know which one does and which one does not; https://developer.intuit.com/v2/apiexplorer?apiname=V3QBO .
$service = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Services\Invoice;
$response = $service->load($id);
Response will be in stdClass
Deleting a resource is basically the same as loading except calling on delete($id)
$service = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Services\Invoice;
$response = $service->delete($id);
In order to create, you will need to obtain a Builder for the entity you wish for. You can get the Builder instance from its Service. Example given is for Invoice;
$service = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Services\Invoice;
$builder = $service->getBuilder();
Any property can be added by calling set{$propertyName}
. For example setting the amount;
Nested value have two ways to be added. Either straight up arrays via its top-level property or using various helper methods within the Builder.
Straight up array;
'value' => 1
Helper methods;
Once you've built up your data, just call create()
$invoice = $builder->create();
Upon doing so you Invoice will be created and your Invoice data object will be retured.
Putting it all together;
$service = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Services\Invoice;
$builder = $service->getBuilder();
$invoice = $builder->create();
Note 1: Above example is a non-working solution. Please check Quickbooks' documentation on what are the required fields for each Entity.
Note 2: Builder methods can be chained, except for create()
which will return the created object.
Updating is exactly the same as Create however you will need to set a SyncToken first setSyncToken()
and call update()
$service = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Services\Invoice;
$builder = $service->getBuilder();
$invoice = $builder->update();
An updated object will be returned by update()
$id = 566; // Required
$files = [
'path' => '/path/to/file', // Required
'type' => 'image/png' // Optional
'name' => 'filename.png' // Optional
$includeOnSend = true; // Optional
$service = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Services\Invoice;
$service->attach($id, $files, $includeOnSend);
is an array of associative array. Add more of the associative array to upload more files at the same time.
Note: Not all Entities can have attachments. Currently supported Entity with Attachments is Invoice, Vendor, VendorCredit, Purchase, PurchaseOrder, Transfer, JournalEntry, Deposit, CreditMemo, Estimate, RefundReceipt, SalesReceipt, Bill, Customer and Payment.
Entity-specific Usage
Certain entities have usages beyond the normal CRUD operation.
Uploading File
$service = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Services\Attachable;
$builder = $service->getBuilder();
// This is required
$file = [
'path' => '/path/to/file', // Required
'type' => 'image/png' // Optional
'name' => 'filename.png' // Optional
// This is optional
$entities = [
'entity' => 'Invoice',
'id' => 566,
'includeOnSend' => true,
$builder->addFile($file, $entities);
$response = $builder->upload();
You are allowed to specify multiple Entities per Attachable.
Response upon upload is an array of Attachable objects.
Note: While Attachable can be used directly, its generally not recommended if you wish to upload a single file to a specific entity. Use each respective Services to upload files. Only use this if you wish to upload and link to several entities at once.
Send Email
$service = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Services\Invoice;
$service->email($invoiceID, $email); // Email is optional
Download PDF
$service = new \Rangka\Quickbooks\Services\Invoice;