

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Digital pizza



Install the following:


The first time you set up your environment you'll need to pull and configure some docker images.

One-time setup:

On a mac you'll need to start the docker machine first. Note Docker may require sudo.

$ docker-machine start
$ eval $(docker-machine env)


This will set up a CouchDB instance and an admin user noodlespizza with the password password.

docker pull klaemo/couchdb:1.6.1
docker run -d -p 5984:5984 --name db klaemo/couchdb:1.6.1
DOCKERIP=$([ docker-machine ] && $(echo docker-machine ip) || localhost)
curl -X PUT $DOCKERIP:5984/_config/admins/noodlespizza -d '"password"'


This will set up a Redis instance.

docker pull redis:alpine
docker run --name redis -d redis:alpine redis-server --appendonly yes

After initial setup:

After CouchDB and Redis images have been setup, just make sure they're running when you need to develop with them.

docker start db
docker start redis

Start a live reload server:

To work on the app itself:

# cd /path/to/noodlespizza
yarn install
npm start

Now the app is available at localhost:3030. This should instrument the databases as necessary; it will complain loudly if it can't.



A remote machine that you're provisioning will need the following:


The following script assumes the working directory is /home/ec2-user. Adjust as necessary.

# cd /path/to/noodlespizza

Right now we assume everything runs on a single node. Adjust the deployment script as necessary to use multiple nodes.


To sync prod secrets, run the deploy script with the --secrets flag. This assumes you have the secrets on your local machine.

# cd /path/to/noodlespizza
./tools/deploy.sh --secrets

SSL is set up separately through letsencrypt. Follow those instructions and ensure that secrets are mounted correctly when the nginx container runs in the deploy script.