
A tool for parsing information from compliance benchmark PDFs for use in security configuration assessments.

MIT LicenseMIT


A tool for parsing information from compliance benchmark PDFs for use in security configuration assessments.

Note: This uses Apple's Pkl config-as-code language, NOT the Python pickle object serialization library. Pickles are insecure anyways, so it's no big loss. Just keep that in mind when working with this tool.

There are two components to this tool:

  1. The extraction script, which reads a specified PDF and extracts text based on categories defined in a configuration file, exporting to the desired format (csv, json,pkl, etc)
  2. The benchmark creation script, which takes a given compliance configuration file and formats it based on a specified SCA tool.

In the initial version, this converts a CIS benchmark PDF into a Wazuh-compatible YAML file.