
Homework 5: SoundCloud Player

Primary LanguageSwift

Homework 5: SoundCloud Player


Wednesday, December 2 at 11:59 PM


Last week, we covered some basics of multimedia in iOS. We will be using our knowledge of the AVPlayer and AVPlayerItem to stream songs from SoundCloud.

Because of the delay in release, along with the upcoming dead-week, this assignment will be very light. Our goal of this task will to be able to create an app that plays tracks from a SoundCloud playlist. Additionally, this will serve as an exercise to read and understand programmatic design.


  1. Fork the assignment's repository from (https://github.com/iosdecal).
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine (the URL should contain YOUR_USERNAME/ios-decal-..).
  3. Create SoundCloud Player App
  • Required
    • PlayerViewController.swift - the player and view for the song
      • Tapping a the Play/Pause button should play or pause the song
        • It should also toggle the button image accordingly
      • Next button should load and play the next song
      • Previous button should either rewind or load and play the previous song
  • Optional
    • Create your own (or use your existing) playlist instead!
      • The only thing variable to change would be the playlistID parameter
    • Add a Scrubber which can seek to a specific track time
  1. Add, commit, and push your modified file(s) to your forked remote repository