
A monitoring agent to gather system metrics and send to data to backend

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A monitoring agent to gather system metrics and send to data to backend

Table of Contents

Development Setup:

The current code is developed in WSL and also tested on Fedora 26. The sources include a makefile that will build a p ython binary within the development directory and as a result any system that can build the latest python3 release ca n also be used for development. The following instructions show how to do this.

Why do we build a version of python3 within the development code? - This is so that we can ensure that the development environment is the same on all platform and also allows us to have multiple versions of python as can be show below where we can execute make and tell it to use a different version other than the default

WSL and Ubuntu setup

The default distro for WSL is ubuntu and hence the following setup also applies if developing for ubuntu.

  sudo apt install libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev 
  sudo apt install libgdbm-dev libdb5.3-dev libbz2-dev libexpat1-dev liblzma-dev tk-dev  gcc

And now we actuall execute make to prepare our development environment. The first time we do this will take some time because it will download and built the latest python binary.


The above will install the required libraries and build the latest python into sensesboard/buid/python3.x. and symlink it to senseboard/virtualenv. It will also download and install all the required python libraries.


Using Fedora is same as in WSL or Ubuntu above except that we install the required libs differently.

  # yum -y groupinstall development
  # yum -y install zlib-devel

or if you don't want the whole development environment install only the required:

  # dnf -y install sqlite-devel openssl-devel libtiff-devel openjpeg-devel openjpeg2-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel  zlib-devel  freetype-devel lcms-devel lcms2-devel libkexif-devel 

After running the above commands as root, or via sudo, we can now do


Modifying the Code and layout of code.

After the initial setup of the development system, we can now start hacking away at the code. Note that you can also develop/test with a specific version of Python:

make PYTHON_VERSION=2.7.11 test # Will set virtualenv also to point to this version of python. 

Code Layout And Modules

After running make for the first time , you should have the current top directory tree:

  ├── build
  ├── configuration.mk
  ├── docs
  ├── Makefile
  ├── make-includes
  ├── README.md
  ├── requirements.txt
  ├── sensesagent
  ├── sensesagent.egg-info
  ├── setup.cfg
  ├── setup.py
  ├── test
  ├── tests
  └── virtualenv -> build/python/virtualenv-3.6.0

Non Git directories

Not directory build, symlink virtualenv, and senseagent.egg-info are temporary file and are not committed into git. They are ignored using the .gitignore. The actual module code lives in senseagent.

The senseagent Modules

The senseagent module is made up of:



TODO: Document this module


The actual work of collecting metrics is implemented in the imaginatively named collectors modules. TODO: Document each collector