
CRUD backend using Golang, gRPC, protobufs

Primary LanguageGo


Simple example CRUD backend using Golang, gRPC, and protobufs.

Using with MongoDB as the database (default)

You will need a MongoDB instance running on the default port with a db called mydb and a collection called blog.
Spin up with Docker:

$ docker run --name mongo-blog -d -p 27017:27017 mongo
$ docker exec -it mongo-blog mongo
$ use mydb
$ db.createCollection("blog")

Start the server with make serve (will default to Mongo) or make mongo (to be explicit).

Using with Postgres as the database

You will need a Postgres instance running on the default port with a db called root and a table called blogs.
Spin up with Docker:

$ docker run --name postgres-blog -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=root -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres
$ docker exec -it postgres-blog psql
$ create table blogs ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, content TEXT );

Start the server with make postgres.


Start the server (make mongo or make postgres) and then run the testing suite with make test.