Congress Track (WIP)


The purpose of this project is to create a really simple way to track what your legislators are doing and give you a direct track to providing feedback. The user will enter in their zipcode and their email then choose which of their legislators they want to track. They will get email reports of how their legislators are voting on what issues.


I'm using rbenv and ruby 1.9.3. Setup ruby how you like.

Install gems

bundle install

First update legislator data:

bundle exec rake legislators

Copy over .env.example file to .env and edit with key.

cp .env.example .env

To run the web app:

env $(cat .env) bundle exec ruby app.rb

To see the available commands and descriptions:

rake -T

You need to preface each command with bundle exec

Current commands:

rake console            # Pull up a pry console with access to models
rake emails             # sends emails
rake legislators        # both sync and parse legislator entries
rake parse_legislators  # parses legislator data into database entries
rake purge              # Purge old VoterVotes
rake sync               # parses new votes and sends reports
rake sync_legislators   # syncs our legislator data using rsync
rake votes              # parses latest votes
