Based on the extremely well done and valuable work of Barrodale and Roberts:
I. Barrodale and F. D. K. Roberts. 1980.
Algorithm 552:
Solution of the Constrained L1 Linear Approximation Problem [F4].
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 6, 2 (June 1980), 231-235.
This module, written in C (with a C++ wrapper), is compiled to a MATLAB
.mex module cl1norm
to solve linear programming problems in the following
A*x = b
A is a known design matrix, b is a known vector (e.g. from measurements).
The vector x is the resulting L1 solution calculated by the cl1norm
x = cl1norm(A, b);
The sum of the absolute values of the residuals is minimized (L1 norm):
min. Σ( |b - A*x| )
Optionally linear constraints and linear inequality constraints can be specified:
C*x = d
E*x <= f
The vector x is then calculated by the cl1norm
x = cl1norm(A, b, C, d, E, f);
Solving some linear programming problems can be challenging in terms of worst-case execution time (WCET) and numerical stability. This algorithm might not be suitable for every application. In my experience though the algorithm is very solid and fast for quite a wide range of use cases.
A single data point on the performance on my desktop computer, comparing
MATLAB's quadprog
vs. cl1norm
Solving a Model Predictive Control (MPC) problem with MATLAB's
(Quadratic Programming) takes about 1 ms:
Elapsed time is 0.001047 seconds.
Solving the same MPC problem with cl1norm
(Linear Programming) with the same
prediction horizon:
Elapsed time is 0.000012 seconds.
Pre-compiled binaries for Windows and Linux are available in the build/ folder.
To re-build from source, type in the MATLAB console:
mex -O ./src/cl1norm.cpp
On Linux the following script might help to compile the .mex file:
Usage: [x, res, info] = cl1norm(A, B, C, D, E, F, tol, maxiter);
Input: A, B, C (optional), D (optional), E (optional), F (optional),
tolerance (optional), maxiter (optional).
A*x = B, C*x = D, E*x <= F
C and D can be empty matrices [] and/or E and F can be empty matrices [].
tolerance: A small positive tolerance. Default: 1e-9.
maxiter: Maximum number of iterations for the algorithm.
Output: x, residuals (optional), simplexinfo (optional)
simplexinfo(1): 0 - optimal solution found. >=1 no solution found.
simplexinfo(2): Minimum sum of absolute values of the residuals.
simplexinfo(3): Number of simplex iterations.
The function can be used in a C++ program with the Eigen math library (link:
For Eigen::Matrix<double>
the following function can be used:
int cl1_double(const Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic>& A,
const Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1>& B,
Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1>& X,
const Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic>* C,
const Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1>* D,
const Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic>* E,
const Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1>* F,
... )
and for Eigen::Matrix<float>
int cl1_float(const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>& A,
const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& B,
Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& X,
const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>* C,
const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>* D,
const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>* E,
const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>* F,
... )
Note: optional input arguments (C,D,E,F) are handed over as pointers and can be set to NULL.
The basic functionality is in the cl1
function that can be extracted from cl1norm.cpp and
embedded into a pure C project.
void cl1(const int *k, const int *l, const int *m,
const int *n, const int *klmd, const int *klm2d,
const int *nklmd, const int *n2d, real *q,
int *kode, const real *toler, int *iter, real *x,
real *res, real *error, real *cu, int *iu, int *s)
Note that a real
typedef is used here that can be setup according to project needs, e.g.:
typedef double real;
The A, b, C, d, E and f matrices are collected in a single q matrix:
A b
q = C d
E f