This is the Ticker used for the EC Startup Speeddating. It is written in Go and uses Websockets for real-Time communication.
After starting the server, everyone accessing the root URL will see the same synchronized ticker. Type /admin
in the address bar to get to the admin interface after entering the password.
This way you can let the timer run from on a Laptop connected to a projector, and remote-control the timer with your smartphone or from another computer.
go build
# and run
./ssd-timer -p your_secret
Run using foreman
(env vars can be edited in .env
go build
foreman start
Just run using go run
make run
# or
go run ./ -p your_secret
Build and install in gopath:
git clone $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
go get
heroku apps:create ssd-timer; \
heroku labs:enable --app ssd-timer websockets; \
heroku config:add --app ssd-timer BUILDPACK_URL=; \
heroku config:add --app ssd-timer ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password>; \
git push heroku master
heroku logs --app ssd-timer --tail