Telegram bot which sends pictures from a webcam upon request.
A single command is supported: /pic
Uses libcamera-jpeg and is tested only on a Raspberry Pi Zero W.
Written in Go, thanks go out to
- Set up a Telegram bot:
- Set up the bot with the commands description
pic - request a picture
(via BotFather) - Copy
and add your bot token.
$ go run ./ --help
Usage: telecambot [--log-pretty] [--log-level LEVEL] --bot-api-token TOK [--bot-debug] [--bot-users IDS,] [--pic-cache-dur DUR] [--libcamera-camera-ix N] [--libcamera-w W] [--libcamera-h H]
--log-pretty log pretty [default: true, env: LOG_PRETTY]
--log-level LEVEL log level [default: info, env: LOG_LEVEL]
--bot-api-token TOK get it from [env: BOT_API_TOKEN]
--bot-debug run telegram bot in debug mode [default: false, env: BOT_DEBUG]
--bot-users IDS, whitelist of Telegram user ids allowed to use the bot [env: BOT_USERS]
--pic-cache-dur DUR for how long to cache pictures [default: 10s, env: PIC_CACHE_DUR]
--libcamera-camera-ix N
libcamera camera number, see 'libcamera-jpeg --list-cameras' [default: 0, env: LIBCAMERA_CAMERA_IX]
--libcamera-w W width [default: 1920, env: LIBCAMERA_W]
--libcamera-h H height [default: 1080, env: LIBCAMERA_H]
--help, -h display this help and exit