Matasano (now NCC Group) crypto challenges' ( solutions
Briefly, these are a collection of exercises that demonstrate attacks on real-world cryptography. The exercises are derived from weaknesses in real-world systems and modern cryptographic constructions covering topics from symmetric ciphers such as AES (in a variety of modes), padding schemes such as PKCS#7, random number generators, hashing algorithmns, asymmetric ciphers such as DSA and RSA, a variety of famous attacks, and so on.
- Problem set 1
- Convert hex to base64 and back
- Fixed XOR
- Single-character XOR Cipher
- Detect single-character XOR
- Repeating-key XOR Cipher
- Break repeating-key XOR
- AES in ECB Mode
- Detecting ECB
- Problem set 2
- Implement PKCS#7 padding
- Implement CBC Mode
- Write an oracle function and use it to detect ECB
- Byte-at-a-time ECB decryption, Full control version
- ECB cut-and-paste
- Byte-at-a-time ECB decryption, Partial control version
- PKCS#7 padding validation
- CBC bit flipping
- Problem set 3
- The CBC padding oracle
- Implement CTR mode
- Break fixed-nonce CTR mode using substitions
- Break fixed-nonce CTR mode using stream cipher analysis
- Implement the MT19937 Mersenne Twister RNG
- "Crack" an MT19937 seed
- Clone an MT19937 RNG from its output
- Create the MT19937 stream cipher and break it
- Problem set 4
- Break "random access read/write" AES CTR
- CTR bit flipping
- Recover the key from CBC with IV=Key
- Implement a SHA-1 keyed MAC
- Break a SHA-1 keyed MAC using length extension
- Break an MD4 keyed MAC using length extension
- Implement HMAC-SHA1 and break it with an artificial timing leak
- Break HMAC-SHA1 with a slightly less artificial timing leak
- Problem set 5
- Implement Diffie-Hellman
- Implement a MITM key-fixing attack on Diffie-Hellman with parameter injection
- Implement DH with negotiated groups, and break with malicious "g" parameters
- Implement Secure Remote Password
- Break SRP with a zero key
- Offline dictionary attack on simplified SRP
- Implement RSA
- Implement an E=3 RSA Broadcast attack
- Problem set 6
- Implement Unpadded Message Recovery Oracle
- Bleichenbacher's e=3 RSA Attack
- DSA Key Recovery From Nonce
- DSA Nonce Recovery From Repeated Nonce
- DSA Parameter Tampering
- Decrypt RSA From One-Bit Oracle
- Bleichenbacher's PKCS 1.5 Padding Oracle (Simple Case)
- Bleichenbacher's PKCS 1.5 Padding Oracle (Complete)
This work is released to the public domain.