
This is the frontend of the local car marketplace made in Next.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Car.it o melhor marketplace de automóveis

# Documentação

Are you about to download this project for the first time?

Here's a guide to set up this in your machine:

  1. To install node_modules with all dependecies run: npm i
  2. To run this project you must use the command: npm run dev

Important things to know before contributing to this project:

  • Every component has it's own stylesheet in the same folder which is the index page, and the name of the style file must be style.module.scss
  • There are SASS variables ready to be used, so make a good use of them

Components index

Themes Link
Title Click here
Text Click here
Logo Click here
Box Click here
Button Click here



The <Title></Title> component accepts the following properties:

Propertie Type Description Optional
white boolean If true changes the color of the text to white Yes
center boolean If true changes the text alignment to center Yes


The <Text></Text> component accepts the following properties:

Propertie Type Description Optional
white boolean If true changes the color of the text to white Yes


The <Logo></Logo> component accepts the following properties:

Propertie Type Description Optional
white boolean If true changes the color of the text to white Yes


The <Box></Box> is basically a card that gets whatever you put into it and display it with a box-shadow and padding around it.


The <Button></Button> component accepts the following properties:

Propertie Type Description Required
href string It is the required path to redirect the user to the page you want true
secondary boolean If true mainly sets the background color to white, others changes can be searched in it's style file false
fillParent boolean If true makes the component fill parents width false
facebook boolean If true returns the Facebook form button false
google boolean If true returns the Google form button false
spacer boolean If true creates a spacer after the button false