
nuScenes dataset to rosbag format

Primary LanguageC++


Simple C++ tool for converting the nuScenes dataset from Aptiv.

The tool loads the json metadata and then the sample files for each scene. The sample are converted in a suitable ROS msg and written to a bag. TF tree is also written.

Probably the original dataset is also collected by Aptiv using ROS, so most data has the same format.

Bounding boxes in Rviz:


The master branch should compile on Ubuntu 19.04. It requires C++17 and Boost 1.66.
The ubuntu_1604 branch uses C++11 and has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
The ubuntu_1804 branch has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

The tool is a normal ROS package. Place it under a workspace and build it with catkin.


Command-line arguments:
--dataroot: The path to the directory that contains the 'maps', 'samples' and 'sweeps'.
--version: (optional) The sub-directory that contains the metadata .json files. Default = "v1.0-mini"

Converting the 'mini' dataset:

Convert one scene to a bag file, saved in a new directory:
Scene '0061' will be saved to 'nuscenes_bags/61.bag'

rosrun nuscenes2bag nuscenes2bag --scene_number 0061 --dataroot /path/to/nuscenes_mini_meta_v1.0/ --out nuscenes_bags/

Convert the entire dataset to bag files:
This processes 4 scenes simultaneously, however the scene numbers are not processed in numerical order.

rosrun nuscenes2bag nuscenes2bag --dataroot /path/to/nuscenes_mini_meta_v1.0/ --out nuscenes_bags/ --jobs 4

Converting other datasets:

Convert a dataset with the metadata in a sub-directory called 'v2.0':

rosrun nuscenes2bag nuscenes2bag --dataroot /path/to/nuscenes_data_v2.0/ --version v2.0 --out nuscenes_bags/ --jobs 4


Currently work in progress

  • Image support
  • Pointcloud support
  • Radar support
  • EgoPose and TF support
  • Show progress
  • Use range library
  • Better usability

Create an Github issue for suggestion, bug and requests.


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