
Plugins for csound

Primary LanguageC

External plugins for csound

This is a repository for plugins for csound. It includes multiple plugins, where each plugin contains a series of opcodes.

Documentation of all plugins

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Plugins in this repo


very efficient hashtables (dictionaries) and other data structures for csound


Parallel and sequential multiplexing opcodes, they enable the creation and control of multiple instances of a csound opcode


additive synthesis implementing the loris model sine+noise


A miscellaneous collection of effects (distortion, saturation, ring-modula generators (low freq. noise, chaos attractors, etc), envelope generators, etc.


jsfx support in csound, allows any REAPER's jsfx plugin to be loaded and controlled inside csound


opcodes to handle paths and filenames in a cross-platform manner


The recommended way to install plugins is via risset (https://github.com/csound-plugins/risset). Risset itself can be installed via pip install risset.

Then, to install any plugin:

risset update
risset install <pluginname>

For example, to install klib and poly:

risset install klib poly

Using risset to install plugins also ensures integration with other tools like CsoundQt. Risset also can be used to show manual pages, list opcodes, etc.


Plugins can be manually downloaded from the releases page:


The binaries need to be copied to the plugins directory. The directory needs to be created if it does not exist.

Platform Csound Version Plugins Path
linux 6 $HOME/.local/lib/csound/6.0/plugins64
linux 7 $HOME/.local/lib/csound/7.0/plugins64
windows 6 C:\\Users\\$USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\csound\\6.0\\plugins64
windows 7 C:\\Users\\$USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\csound\\7.0\\plugins64
macos 6 $HOME/Library/csound/6.0/plugins64
macos 7 $HOME/Library/csound/7.0/plugins64


git clone  https://github.com/csound-plugins/csound-plugins
cd csound-plugins
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --parallel
cmake --install .