Implementation of quality of service and call admission control features within sdn network. This implementation use Ryu Framework ( to develop controller applications based on OpenFlow v1.3. Features are integrated with an Asterisk service through ARI API via websockets+rest. Application behaviour is exposed via a basic Front End service developed with node.js.
Application architecture is shown in the figure below.
Table of contents
Some of the requirements to run this project simulations and stack are:
- Ryu Framework
- Mininet
- GNS3
- OpenVirtualSwitch (aka: OVS)
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- Python3
Clone repository
$ git clone
$ mkproject sdn-qos
$ workon sdn-qos
$ pip install -r requirements.txt within each python service
Directory structure of application
├── application
│ ├── asterisk
│ │ └── conf
│ ├── call-admission-control
│ │ └── src
│ │ ├── backend
│ │ │ ├── libs
│ │ │ └── src
│ │ ├── frontend
│ │ │ └── src
│ │ └── mocks
│ │ ├── ari
│ │ └── ryu
│ ├── conf
│ │ ├── ari.conf
│ │ ├── extensions.conf
│ │ └── sip.conf
│ ├── mininet
│ │ └── topologies
│ ├── ryu
│ │ └── applications
│ └── simulation
└── documentation
├── architecture
│ ├── diagrams
│ │ └── Paper diagrams
│ └── modules
│ ├── astersik
│ │ ├── conf
│ │ └── scripts
│ └── ryu
│ ├── api
│ └── scripts
└── mockups
34 directories
# for each service
docker build -t <service> .
# for each service
docker service create --network sdn-qos --publish <PORT-EXT:PORT-INT> --name <SERVICE>
Run application simulation
cd application
docker-compose -f docker-compose-simulation.yml up -d
docker ps
open http://localhost:3000
Some environment variables can be configured in order to modify simulation behavior.
backend: we can choose which cac algorithm to use
CAC_VERSION: v2 # CAC algorithm version [v1, v2]
The first simulation patterns belongs to the first non optimal algorithm. The second one is the v2 algorithm with optimal resource usage.
simulation: we can chosse how much time before sipp begins with calls, therefore enough time is given in order to access frontend web gui and having a correct call counting from the begining. On the other hand, we can choose which simulation patter to run [v1, v2], check script for more information.
SIMULATION: v1 # Simulation pattern [v1, v2]
TIME: 15 # Time before sipp begins with calls
Run QoS simulation
Script implements an automated test where packet prioritization could be achieve using ryu controller with mininet and ovs.
Run locally installed Ryu framework
workon ryu
python3 ./bin/ryu-manager --observe-links
Run mininet script
cd application/mininet
sudo python2.7
Run application with external infrastructure
External components (Asterisk, OVS, SIP Clients) are not included within docker-compose.yml.
cd application
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
docker ps
open http://localhost:3000
Then, you will have to update configuration file in application/call-admission-control/src/backend/src/config/ Specifically, asterisk data.
config = {
"ari": {
"host": "http://asterisk:8088/",
"username": "asterisk",
"password": "asterisk",
"ryu": {
"baseurl": "http://ryu:8080",
"frontService": {
"host": "call_admission_control_backend",
"listen": 8000
"client": {
"baseurl": "ws://call_admission_control_backend:8000",