
List of Australian postcodes and corresponding suburbs


AusPostcode collates two CC-BY 2.5 licensed documents to provide a legal alternative to the AusPost postcode data.

Very helpfully, AusPost don't have an openly licensed version of their data - so, instead, the data is sourced from two Australian Bureau of Statistics docs and have been stripped down to just Suburb and Postcode.

Discovered via http://data.gov.au/dataset/postal-areas-asgs-non-abs-structures-ed-2011/ , the two relevant documents are these:

  • Postal Areas ASGS Non ABS Structures Edition 2011 in .csv Format
  • State Suburbs ASGS Non ABS Structures Edition 2011 in .csv Format

Both are licensed CC-BY 2.5 and so, I suppose, this is too. Sneaky, huh?