
The myLibrary project is a simple web application that allows users to create a virtual library to keep track of their book collection.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

myLibrary Project


The myLibrary project is a simple web application that allows users to create a virtual library to keep track of their book collection. Users can add books with details such as title, author, number of pages, and whether they have read the book or not. The application provides an interactive interface to manage the library, including adding new books and marking books as read/unread.


  • Add new books: Users can use the "Add Book" button to open a dialog box and fill in details such as the book's title, author, number of pages, and whether they've read it or not.

  • Remove all books: The "Remove All" button allows users to clear their entire library.

  • Update read status: Each book entry includes a "Change Read Status" button that toggles between marking the book as read or unread.

  • Individual book removal: Users can remove specific books from their library using the "Remove" button associated with each book entry.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/your-username/myLibrary.git
cd myLibrary
  1. Open the index.html file in a web browser.

  2. Interact with the application by adding new books, changing read status, and removing books as needed.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: Markup language for structuring the web page.
  • CSS: Stylesheet language for designing the appearance of the web page.
  • JavaScript: Programming language for adding interactivity and functionality.
  • dialog element: Used to create a modal dialog for adding new books.

Project Structure

  • index.html: The main HTML file that defines the structure of the web page and includes necessary scripts and stylesheets.
  • style.css: CSS file for styling the application.
  • script.js: JavaScript file containing the logic for interacting with the DOM and managing the library.


This project was inspired by The Odin Project's library project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.