deXtool is a framework for writing plugins using libclang. The main focus is tools for testing and analyze.
The plugins in a standard installation of deXtool are:
- Analyze. Analyze C/C++ code to generate complexity numbers such as McCabe.
- C TestDouble. Analyze C code to generate a test double implementation.
- C++ TestDouble. Analyze C++ code to generate a test double implementation.
- Compilation Database. Tool for manipulating db(s) such as merge, compiler flag filtering, relative->absolute path. Usually called compile_commands.json.
- Mutate. Mutation testing tool for C/C++.
- GraphML. Analyze C/C++ code to generate a GraphML representation. Call chains, type usage, classes as groups of methods and members.
- Intercept. Analyze a C header together with a config to generate interceptor functions.
- UML. Analyze C/C++ code to generate PlantUML diagrams.
"C TestDouble", production ready. The API of the generated code and how it behaves is stable.
"C++ TestDouble" is nearing production quality.
"Mutate" is in alpha phase. Further info
deXtool depends on the following software packages:
- libclang (3.9+)
- cmake (2.8+)
- D compiler (dmd 2.076.1+, ldc 1.6.0-beta1+)
- sqlite3 (3.19.3-3+)
deXtool has been tested with libclang [3.9, 4.0, 5.0].
For people running Ubuntu two of the dependencies can be installed via apt-get. The libclang version depend on your ubuntu version.
sudo apt install cmake libclang-3.9-dev libsqlite3-dev
Download the D compiler of your choice, extract it and add to your PATH shell variable.
# example with an extracted DMD
export PATH=/path/to/dmd/linux/bin64/:$PATH
Once the dependencies are installed it is time to download the source code and build the binaries.
git clone
cd dextool
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/where/to/install/dextool/binaries ..
make install -j2
Done! Have fun. Don't be shy to report any issue that you find.
Jacob Carlborg for his excellent DStep. It was used as a huge inspiration for this code base. Without DStep deXTool wouldn't exist.