
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains notebooks and possibly other codes to read and plot the data collected during the MetPraktikum.

Setup Python enviroment

To set up a python environment that has everything you need to plot and process the data from the MetPraktikum run (works on Mac or any Linux machine) in a terminal window:


Now activate environment with

source ${HOME}/miniconda3/bin/activate praktikum;

Start Jupyterlab

jupyter lab &

this should open a browser window with a jupyter lab window.

The file notebooks/praktikum_plotting_samples.ipynb contains sample code to do quick-and-dirty plots from all the sensors.

The preprocessing of the data (i.e. convert the output files from the sensors/systems into easy to use .csv files) has been done with notebooks/praktikum_preprocess.ipynb.

Install Python env on Windows

Windows users follow the how-to at https://katiekodes.com/setup-python-windows-miniconda. Install the followin packages manually:

  • python=3
  • dask
  • distributed
  • ipython
  • matplotlib=3.2
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • seaborn
  • xarray
  • ipykernel
  • jupyterlab
  • nb_conda_kernels