The field of Data Science, although seemingly complex, is in essence an exploration of information and the patterns within.
Data science encompasses various methods and theories drawn from many fields within the context of mathematics, statistics, and computer science. This repository is devoted to a deeper understanding of "Deep Learning Architecture" in data science, particularly as a Machine Learning model and tool, with exercises and solutions from the well-regarded book "Deep learning with python" (Francois Chollet, 2021).
The primary aim of this repository is to provide an accessible yet comprehensive resource to those embarking on their journey in the field of data science.
The repository will provide explanations, solutions, and insights into the numerous exercises contained within the aforementioned book.
Section 1: What is Deep Learning?
Section 2: The mathematical building blocks of Neural Networks.
Section 3: Introduction to Keras & TensorFlow
Section 4: Getting started with Neural Networks: Classification and Regression
Section 5: Fundamentas of Machine Learning
Section 6: The universal workflow of Machine Learning
Section 7: Working with Keras: A deep dive
Section 8: Introduction to Deep Learning for Computer Vision
Section 9: Advanced Deep Learning for Computer Vision
Section 10: Deep Learning for Time Series
Section 11: Deep Learning for Text
Section 12: Generative Deep Learning
Section 13: Best practices for the real world
Section 14: Conclusions
This repository is open for all to use and learn from. However, keep in mind that this repository is meant to be a supplement to your learning and not a substitute for the book itself.
If you wish to contribute to this repository, please feel free to open a pull request. Let's cultivate a collaborative space where knowledge can be shared and gained.
As this repository strictly serves an educational purpose, it abides by the guidelines set forth regarding fair use. It does not aim to infringe upon any copyrights held by the author or the publisher.
Francois Chollet - (2021). Deep Learning with Python. Manning ISBN-13: 978-1-61729-686-4
Remember: "It's for the ultimate end of science."
This repository is unofficial and not affiliated, endorsed or certified by Francois Chollet - Deep Learning with Python. It has been created for educational purposes, and the repository owner is not responsible for any incorrect information or misuse.
Your journey in the exciting world of data science begins here. Dive in, explore, and let's learn together.
pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
source env/bin/deactivate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Performed from Terminal Console
1. git init
2. git remote add origin ["copy here ssh or https"]
3. git remote -v
4. git add -A
5. git add .
6. git commit -m "insert here your commit"
7. git status
8. git push origin master
if you already created your repository, then:
1. git remote add origin ["copy here ssh or https"]
2. same procedure applied above
3. Note: if you already got your & then,
firstly request your git pull origin master. THIS IS ALWAYS A RECOMMENDED PRACTICE.
4. git push origin master