Code, data and vectorised figures associated with the publication on the evolutionary origin of the Lake Victoria cichlid radiation
LSF job submission script to align the reads to the reference genome: BashPipelines/00_alignToBam.lsf
LSF job submission script to use GATK Haplotype Caller to get gvcf files of each sample: BashPipelines/00_runHaplotypeCaller.lsf
LSF job submission script to get a vcf file per chromosome and apply some basic filters: BashPipelines/
Remove sites with too high sequencing depth, indicative of paralogous regions collapsed in the reference: BashPipelines/
Generate the nuclear phylogeny: BashPipelines/
for file conversion: BashPipelines/
Plot nuclear phylogenies as fan trees for Fig 3 and Figure S2: Rscripts/Fig3_FigS2_giantPhylogenies.R
Generate the mitochondrial phylogeny: BashPipelines/
Make co-phyloplots of quartet tree vs iqtree2: Rscripts/FigS14_cophyloplot_quartets_iqtree.R
Co-phyloplot of nuclear vs mitochondrial phylogenies for Aux Fig. 1 Rscripts/AuxFig1_cophyloplot_mtDNA-nuc.R
Compute MDS with different combinations of individuals: Rscripts/FigS3_FigS8_MDS.R
Compute genomic variation explained by ecomorph or genus across the Victoria Radiation: BashPipelines/
Compute D statistics with ADMIXTOOLS: BashPipelines/
Example of Fbranch script, here for all LVRS and outgroups: BashPipelines/
Plotting f4 values of ecomorph pairs across lakes: Rscripts/Fig5B_f4values.R
Plotting Dstats of Upper Nile ancestry in the LVRS and Western Lakes in the Victoria Radiation: RScripts/FigS4_FigS7_Dstats.R
Compute DFOIL to test the direction of gene flow between Har. squamipinnis (Edward piscivore) and Victoria piscivores: BashPipelines/ which requires BashPipelines/
Compute fdM to test for correlations between ancestries (example of dwarf predators):
Get allele frequencies for each ecomorph and group: BashPipelines/Fig5_FigS10-S12_getFrqs.lsf
Get sites with at least 0.9 allele frequency difference between ecomorph and all other Victoria Radiation cichlids: BashPipelines/Fig5_FigS10-S12_getDiffSites.lsf
Fig 5 plot: Rscripts/Fig5_ancestry_proportions.R Note, the data is found in Data/Fig5_ancestry_proportions.csv
Fig S10-S12 plots: RScripts/FigS10-S12_alleleFrequencies_ecogroups.R
Get the file with all sites of piscivores and paedophages (one sample per species): FigS9_runGenotypeGVCF.lsf
Compute DXY:
Run fineSTRUCTURE: BashPipelines/
Requires these scripts: