1506 (June Full-Time & Summer of Code Immersive) Foundations Due Dates

All assignments are due any time throughout the due date that is listed.

Part 1: Monday May 18th

  1. TestFirst - Link to Github Repo
    • 00 Hello
    • 01 Properties
    • 02 Calculator
    • 03 RPN_Calculator
    • 04 Loops
  2. Tumblr Blog & Blog Post Link to Blog
  3. Part 1: Guessing Game CSS/HTML Link to Github Repo

Part 2: Tuesday May 26th

  1. TestFirst Link to Github Repo - 05 Functions
  2. Guessing Game Part 2 - Finished Guessing Game Github Repo or Host on a Site

Part 3: Monday June 1st

  1. TestFirst - Link to Github Repo - 06 Functional - 07 Mammals - 08 Recursion
  2. Node.js Basics Project (Treehouse) Github Repo
  3. Intro To Node - Link to Nodeschool Exercises Github Repo

Part 4: Sunday June 7th

  1. TestFirst Link to Github Repo - 09 Regular Expressions (Exercises are not yet available, will be by 5/20)
  2. Build a Simple Dynamic Site Project (Treehouse) Github Repo
  3. Tumblr-Mailer Link to Github Repo of Project (do not include your API keys)