The tool

We used Justinmind Prototyper.

Operating instructions

Go to our project website, it contains the links to our web app and mobile app, as well as our reports from past assignments.


We only create pages that are enough to demonstrate the 3 essential tasks, so some buttons don't work, as we haven't implemented the pages, such as the browse page, the create an event page.

Moreover, the 3 tasks are all from a volunteer’s perspective, however our website should have slightly different layout for event organizers.

We hand-coded the home page, the event page, the search results, and profile details. It is required because we don’t have a database that stores all the information about an event, its images, videos, or social feeds, so we have to hand code the details of an event. Only the details of the GenTech Hackathon are available, it's the only event that has an event page.

Our current user base is limited to the two team members, and the profile details are all created around Joanna as the user, to demonstrate how a user would use it. This is required because we don’t have real users yet, and we don’t have a database to store all user information. However the hand-coded features are essential and enough to demonstrate the functionalities of our prototype.