
Django Application Displaying Exchange Rates For Bitcoin

Primary LanguageCSS


Django Application Displaying Exchange Rates For Bitcoin

Running Using Docker


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • Git

Clone the repository into a directory of your own choice.

git clone https://github.com/SamwelOpiyo/BTC-USD-Exchange-Rates-App.git

cd BTC-USD-Exchange-Rates-App

Starting the server

Build docker container

$ docker-compose build

Start docker container

$ docker-compose up or $ docker-compose up -d for daemon

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Running locally


  • Python 2.7
  • Make sure you have pip (pip --version)
  • pip install virtualenv to install virtual environment
  • Influxdb
  • Redis-server
  • Git

Clone the repository into a directory of your own choice.

git clone https://github.com/SamwelOpiyo/BTC-USD-Exchange-Rates-App.git

cd BTC-USD-Exchange-Rates-App

Edit the configuration file bitcoin_rates/settings.py appropriately or leave it for default redis-server and influxdb settings.

Start redis-server on a new terminal window/tab

  • redis-server or redis-server -d for daemon mode

Start Influxdb

  • systemctl start influxdb

Install requirements

  • pip install -r requirements.txt (you almost certainly want to do this in a virtualenv).

Database Migration

  • python manage.py migrate

Create logs directory

  • mkdir logs

Starting the server

Starting celery worker and beat

$ celery -A bitcoin_rates -l info worker -B

Starting gunicorn server

$ ./bash_scripts/start.sh

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