
A clone of instagram that resembles the functionalities of instagram

Primary LanguagePython


Joan Kirui


This is a clone of Instagram where people share their images and videos for other users to view. Users can sign up, login, view and post photos, search and follow other users.

Live Link


User Story

* Sign in to the application to start using 
* Upload a picture to the application
* Search for different users using their usernames
* See your profile with all your pictures
* Follow other users and see their pictures on my timeline

Setup and Installation

To get the project .......

Cloning the repository:


Navigate into the folder and install requirements

cd My-Instagram pip install -r requirements.txt

Install and activate Virtual

- python3.6 -m venv --without-pip virtual - source virtual/bin/activate 

Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Setup Database

SetUp your database User,Password, Host then make migrate

python manage.py makemigrations Instagram

Now Migrate

python manage.py migrate 

Run the application

python manage.py runserver 

Testing the application

python manage.py test

Open the application on your browser

Technology used

* Python3.6
* Django 3.2.9
* Heroku

Known Bugs

There are no known bugs currently but pull requests are allowed incase you spot a bug

Contact Information

If you have any question or contributions, please email me at [joankirui99@gmail.com]


MIT License
Copyright (c) 2021 Joan Kirui