
The world's first online platform for runners. Implements CRUD functionalities

Primary LanguageC#


Rungroops is an online platform for runners. This platform will help you to find clubs, find races, and meet other runners in your area.

Set Up

  1. Go into directory where you plan on keeping project and run. git fork https://github.com/joankirui/RunGroopWebApp.git.

  2. Create a local database.

3.Add connection string to app settings.json. It will look something like this:

Data Source=DESKTOP-69BQRTT;Initial Catalog=pokemonreview;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False

  1. Register for a Cloudinary Account (%100 free) and add Cloudname, ApiKey, and Api secret to appsettings.json.