
This Polling App is a web-based platform designed to help students ask and answer polling and rating questions. With this app, students can post questions about various topics, such as food recommendations, class queries, and more, and receive anonymous responses from other students.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The 2 main folders of the project is beach-raters and server.


  1. Have an IDE you want to use
  2. Have node.js installed (https://nodejs.org/en)

To start the server:

  1. Open the server folder inside your IDE (Preferably Visual Studio Code)
  2. Right click on server.js (/src/server.js) and "Open in Integrated Terminal"
  3. In the terminal at the bottom, run npm install express
  4. In the terminal at the bottom, run npm install (This installs all the necessary library)
  5. In the terminal at the bottom, run nodemon server.js (You should see "Server Running" then "Connected to Database")

To start our app:

  1. Open the beach-raters folder inside your IDE (Preferably Visual Studio Code)
  2. Right click on App.js (/src/App.js) and "Open in Integrated Terminal"
  3. In the terminal at the bottom, run npm install
  4. Once npm install is finished, run npm start

If everything works, it will output the react page locally on your computer