
A collation of all my small(ish) JS algorithm projects, from beginner to advanced. It contains some standard algorithms, such as Fizz Buzz, Fibonacci Sequence, and more...

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Javascript Projects

A collation of all my JS projects, from beginner to advanced. My implementations of some of the ideas found in the Mega Project List: https://github.com/karan/Projects.

Table of Contents


  1. Find PI to the Nth Digit
  2. Find e to the Nth Digit
  3. Fibonacci Sequence
  4. Credit Card Validator

Classic Algorithms

  1. Sorting
  2. Collatz Conjecture


  1. Fizz Buzz
  2. Pig Latin


  1. Product Inventory Project


Find PI to the Nth Digit

Screenshot of Find PI to the Nth Digit

A simple program that allows you to enter how many significant digits of PI you want to see and displays the results.

Find e to the Nth Digit

Screenshot of Find e to the Nth Digit

A simple program that allows you to enter how many significant digits of e you want to see and displays the result.

Fibonacci Sequence

Screenshot of Find e to the Nth Digit

A simple program that allows you to enter the nth Fibonacci sequence number you want to see and displays the result. It uses a recursive algorithm to calculate the chosen nth Fibonacci number.

Credit Card Validator

A simple program that uses a checksum algorithm to work out whether the credit card number input by the user is valid.

Classic Algorithms


An implementation two sorting algorithms, one for merge sort and the other for bubble sort, both using recursion. Both print out the sorted array to the console - might add user input and output result to the page later.

Collatz Conjecture

A simple program that allows the user to enter the number they'd like to perform the Collatz Conjecture algorithm on. It uses a recursive algorithm and displays the calculation step by step to reach 1.


Fizz Buzz

A simple program, that returns an array with "Fizz" in place of multiples of three,
"Buzz" in place of multiples of five, and the number otherwise. The user can enter the length of the array they'd like to see, from 1 to 100.

Pig Latin

A simple program that converts some user input text into Pig Latin. It uses regular expressions to apply the Pig Latin rules to the words.


Product Inventory Project

Screenshot of Find e to the Nth Digit

This program keeps track of product inventory. It's implemented using ES5 classes in JavaScript, and uses local storage to store and load the products. I'll implement adding, removing, and updating products at some point.