Dockerfiles to test different cuda versions
1 - Create a Dockerfile that starts with the CUDA base image. Check the existing tags here: For example:
2 - Build your Docker image by running the following command in the terminal, in the directory where your Dockerfile is located:
sudo docker build -t cuda1122 .
3 - Configure Visual Code Studio for ssh development
- "Open a remote window"
- "Add a new ssh host"
- "ssh username@host.url"
- click on files logo, open folder
- terminal --> new terminal,
- on the terminal, run a docker container in the background:
sudo docker run -d --name cupy_test_1122 -v /home/ruequera/git/cupy:/root/cupy --runtime=nvidia --gpus all cuda1122
- open a bash shell inside a running container:
conda init
source .bashrc
conda create -n cupy python=3.11
conda activate cupy
cd cupy/
pip install -e .