
This lib helps you to get all informations from claim's list of BACEN (current quarter)

Primary LanguageC#

DotNetRankingBacen Nuget Nuget

DotNetRankingBacen is a .Net library that helps you to get all informations from claim's list of BACEN (current quarter).


Version 1.1.1:

  • Upgrade to .NET 6


Use the package manager to install.

Install-Package DotNetRankingBacen  -Version 1.1.1

Usage - Without Selenium

services.<ChooseYours><IHttpClientWrapper, HttpClientWrapper>();
services.<ChooseYours><IRankingBacen, RankingBacen>();


You will get an object with an object's array of size 03

var bancosFinanceiras = await GetTop03BancosEFinanceirasAsync();
var demaisBancosFinancerias = await GetTop03DemaisBancosEFinanceirasAsync();
var reclamacoes = await GetTop03ReclamacoesAsync();
var administradorasConsorcio = await GetTop03AdmConsorcioAsync();

Usage - With Selenium

Download chromedriver.exe (version 94 or higher) from official website.

After downloaded it, extract the exe to any directory.


There's a constructor with those parameters:

public RankingBacen(string chromeDriverPath, ChromeOptions driverOptions, int timeToSleep) { ... }

You must fill up all parameters to use all features below: (Check how to use ChromeOptions: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/capabilities)

 var chromeDriverPath = @"path/to/chromedriver.exe";

 var chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
     chromeOptions.AddArgument("--headless"); //execute the chromedriver without open the browser

var timeToSleep = 2000; // time in ms to wait the page be loaded

var rankingBacen = new RankingBacen(chromeDriverPath, chromeOptions, timeToSleep);

var top10BancosEFinanceiras = rankingBacen.GetTop10BancosEFinanceiras(); // it returns the full list of Bancos e Financeiras from BACEN

var demaisBancosEFinanceiras = rankingBacen.GetDemaisBancosEFinanceiras(); // it returns the full list of Demais Bancos e Financeiras from BACEN

var todasReclamacoes = rankingBacen.GetTodasReclamacoes(); // it returns the full list of Reclamacoes from BACEN

var todasAdmnistradorasConsorcio = rankingBacen.GetTodasAdmsConsorcio(); // it returns the full list of Administradoras de Consorcio from BACEN


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
