
Dapp for creating custom crypto-assets

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Dapp for creating custom crypto-assets

Set up

Install dependencies:

npm install -g truffle
npm install -g @angular/core
npm install -g @angular/compiler
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc

You will also need MetaMask chrome extension

truffle unbox Quintor/angular-truffle-box

Run your TestRPC client

testrpc -l 1000000000 Note the mnemonic 12-word phrase printed on startup, you will need it later.

Compile and migrate your smart contracts:

truffle compile && truffle migrate

  1. In order to connect with the Ethereum network, you will need to configure MetaMask
  2. Log into the testrpc test accounts in MetaMask, using the 12-word phrase printed earlier.
    • Normally, the available test accounts will change whenever you restart testrpc.
    • In order to receive the same test accounts every time you start testrpc, start it with a seed like this: testrpc --seed 0 or testrpc -m "put your mnemonic phrase here needs twelve words to work with MetaMask"
  3. Point MetaMask to testrpc by connecting to the network localhost:8545


ng serve

Making sure you have configured MetaMask, visit http://localhost:4200 in your browser.


Running the Angular component tests:

ng test

Running the Truffle tests:

truffle test


Using the Angular CLI you can build a distributable of your app. Will be placed in dist/

ng build