
Unsecure web app to be fixed during the semester of Design and Development of Secure Code for Masters in Informatics Security in University of Coimbra

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DDSS - Unsecure web app

The following repository is the code regarding a server side rendering web application to be used during subject of Design and Development of Secure Software for Masters in Informatics Security of University of Coimbra.

Here the student will find a code with flaws to be discovered and solved during the semester.

Disclaimer: A SQLite database is used here to facilitate the setup, that way, there is no need to install a database server, however this is just as an example and it is not recommended to use SQLite on any software in production.


Note: npm is installed with node. You should only need to install node.

IDE - VScode (highly recommended)

We recommend you to install VSCode and Pretter extension.

You can open this project by double clicking unsecure-webapp.code-workspace. With that and, assuming you have installed Prettier extension, you will have your environment formatting the code when you save any file.

Getting started

Open the terminal. We can even use the integrated terminal on VSCode. For that got to "Terminal" and select "New Terminal" option.

Install dependencies

It should only be needed the first time or if you remove your node_modules folder of dependencies.


npm install

Start web application server


npm start


npm start:watch

The last command will update your server everytime you do change on your code.

Once you execute the start command the web application should be available at: http://localhost:8080


If you do not want to install those dependencies on your machine you can use the free IDE in browser REPL: "Code and collaborate, without friction.".

You just go to the site, select "Start coding" option and "Import from Github". You could use this repository directly, or fork it to your account.

It is recommend you fork this github repository for your account, because this way we ca do your changes and push those changes to your repository.

Folders structure

  • src/index.js (file to intercept server requests)
  • src/utils (helpers to manage database requests, manage cookies and generate html)
    • src/utils/db.js (functions to communicate with database)
    • src/utils/view.js (functions to generate the html to send to user for each case)
    • src/utils/cookie.js (functions to manage cookies)


At db folder you will find the initial sql script and the database file (baking.db). To solve some of the problems you will need to do some changes on the database.

As graphic user interface you could use the following application.

To learn how to use SQLite3 on your code you can use the following tutorials here.

The inital database contains three users for you to login, with some movements already done: jcfa@dei.uc.pt / 123456 maria@dei.uc.pt / 123456 ddss@dei.uc.pt / 123456


This is a simple web application with following features to transfer money:

  • Sign Up;
  • Login;
  • Search for your movements;
  • Transfer money;
  • Fórum for comments;


This project uses javascript and nodejs with no external libraries or frameworks on purpose, so the code could look more verbose and difficult, however this due to the fact some of the frameworks solve some of the problems of unsecure applications, by default and the point here is to show some of thoses problems.

We prefer to show those problems for you to understand them instead of having some solved by magic.

Having said that, you are allowed, and even encouraged, to redo all the code and use a Framework, like express for example, and change the database engine. However, choose wisely and understand the why for your choice.


Discover flaws and try to solve them. Some of the flaws we are looking for are or related to:

  • Authentication and Authorization (some possible improvements):
    • Hash password;
    • Checked hashed password on login;
    • Session Management: no sequential ids;
    • Check strength of password;
    • Expiration date for session cookie;
    • Check authentication and authorization of route (which pages the user are allowed to use);
    • Do not allow hacker manage url to his/her benefit;
  • SQL Injection;
    • Go to file src/utils/db.js and look for sql injection vulnerabilities and try to solve them. This tutorial, here, could be helpful.
  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS);
  • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF);
  • Among others;

Articles, Tutorials, Tools

Here we leave some resources you can check to help you.
