
Primary LanguageTypeScript


About   |    Requirement   |    Starting   |    Getting Started Back-end   |    Getting Started Front-end   |    Getting Started Mobile

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Ecoleta Web Ecoleta Mobile

📃 About

The "Ecoleta" application is a fictional marketplace for connecting companies that collect organic and inorganic waste. It was developed during the International Environment Week.

📚 Requirement

  • Have Git to clone the project.
  • Have Node.js installed.
  • Have IOS or Android device or emulator.

🚀 Starting

  # Clone this repository:
  $ git clone https://github.com/joaoathaide/ecoleta

  # Go into the repository:
  $ cd ecoleta

⚙️ Getting Started back-end

  # Go into the repository back-end:
  $ cd server

  # Install dependencies:
  $ yarn

  # Start with migrations:
  $ yarn knex:migrate

  # Start with seeds:
  $ yarn knex:seed

  # Run the app:
  $ yarn dev

💻 Getting Started front-end

  # Go into the repository front-end:
  $ cd web

  # Install dependencies:
  $ yarn

  # Run the app:
  $ yarn start

📱 Getting Started mobile

  # Go into the repository mobile:
  $ cd mobile

  # Install dependencies:
  $ yarn

  # Run the app:
  $ yarn start

Made with ❤️ by João Athaide 👋🏻 Get in touch!