
Project developed in the scope of the subject Sistemas Distribuidos (Distributed Systems) in the 1st semester of the 3rd year of my degree.

Primary LanguageJava

Cloud Computing (FaaS)

This project implements a distributed system for managing and executing tasks. It consists of a central server that handles client requests and a client application for interacting with the server.


  • User Registration and Authentication: Users can register and log in to the system.
  • Task Execution: Clients can submit tasks to be executed by the server.
  • Service Status Query: Clients can query the current status of the server, including available memory and pending tasks.
  • Client-Server Communication: Implemented using Java Sockets and multithreading.
  • Concurrent Task Handling: The server uses a custom thread pool to manage task execution concurrently.

Getting Started


  • Java JDK 11 or later
  • IDE for Java development (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse)


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/joaobaptista03/UMinho-Cloud-ComputingFaaS-Java/
  2. Navigate to the repository directory and run a CentralServer, and 1 or more ClientUI's.