
A fault-tolerant and lightweight subscription service. 🚀

Primary LanguageJavaScript

subscription service

Subscription service diagram with all services connected

PRs welcome! License

Github - João Bispo Linkedin - João Bispo Email - João Bispo

Project   |    Technologies   |    Documentation   |    How to contribute

💻 Project

A service to support intensive writing operations like readers' subscriptions to newsletters.

🚀 Technologies

The project is based on the following technologies:

  • 🚀 Node.js — A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • ✨ Serverless Framework — A framework to build serverless applications.
  • 💻 Localstack — Run AWS services locally.
  • 🐋 Docker — A set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.
  • 📦 AWS SDK — The official AWS SDK for JavaScript, available for browsers and mobile devices, or Node.js backends.
  • 📦 ESLint — A fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.
  • 📦 Prettier — A tool to keep code style consistent.
  • 📦 Jest — A JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. And more...

🔖 Documentation

I'm working on a Useful commands file to help you with the development process. And bellow you can find how to solve some common issues.

Common Issues

LocalStack DynamoDB Endpoint

You should configure the LOCALSTACK_ENDPOINT environment variable with the value http://localhost:4566 for LocalStack to function correctly. If you encounter a connection error, consider the following options:

  • If you are using WSL, check the IP using hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' for your WSL, and use it as the HOST value in the LOCALSTACK_ENDPOINT environment variable in the serverless.yml file.
  • If you are using MacOS, check the IP using ipconfig getifaddr en0 for your Mac, and use it as the HOST value in the LOCALSTACK_ENDPOINT environment variable in the serverless.yml.

♻️ How to contribute

  • Fork this repository;
  • Create a new branch with your feature: git checkout -b feature/my-feature;
  • Commit your changes: git commit -m 'feat: awesome feature';
  • Push to your branch: git push origin feature/my-feature.

Once your pull request has been merged, you can delete your branch.

Made with 💙 & ☕ by João Bispo😎