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About the vacancy candidate

My name is João Coelho, Brazilian born in Barbalha a city in the state of Ceará. I am passionate about technology and since I was 12 years old I have ventured into the world of programming.

About Project


Comands run project

Configure the database credentials in the .env file opened with the previous command, save and close file.

  • $ php artisan migrate
  • $ php artisan db:seed --class=UserSeeder
  • $ php artisan serve


  • [POST -> /api/v1/story ] - Endpoint where a story is registered.
    • DATE:
      • title | string
      • body | text
      • is_enabled | boolean
      • created_at | datetime
      • updated_at | datetime
  • [GET -> /api/v1/story ] - Endpoint for listing these stories, sorted in descending order of registration (newest to oldest);
  • [GET -> /api/v1/story/{story_id} ] - Endpoint to list a single tale by its id;
  • [PUT -> /api/v1/story/{story_id} ] - Endpoint to edit a single story through its id;
  • [DELETE -> /api/v1/story/{story_id} ] - Endpoint to delete a story by its id.
  • [POST -> /api/v1/media ] - Endpoint where it will be possible to upload a video, music or image with a maximum size of 5MB
  • [GET -> /api/v1/media/story/{story_id} ] - Endpoint where, when passing the tale id, return the linked media url
  • [DELETE -> /api/v1/media/{media_id}/user/{user_id} ] - Endpoint where you can delete a media related to a user.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Developed with Laravel

Fase 1 - Contos

  • [POST -> /api/v1/story ] - Endpoint onde é cadastrado um conto.
    • DATA:
      • title | string
      • body | text
      • is_enabled | boolean
      • created_at | datetime
      • updated_at | datetime
  • [GET -> /api/v1/story ] - Endpoint para listagem desses contos, ordernados por ordem de cadastro decrescente (mais novo para mais antigo);
  • [GET -> /api/v1/story/{story_id} ] - Endpoint para listar um único conto através do seu id;
  • [PUT -> /api/v1/story/{story_id} ] - Endpoint para editar um único conto através do seu id;
  • [DELETE -> /api/v1/story/{story_id} ] - Endpoint para excluir um conto através do seu id.

Fase 2 - Midias

  • [POST -> /api/v1/media ] - Endpoint onde será possível realizar um upload de um vídeo, música ou imagem com tamanho máximo de 5MB
  • [GET -> /api/v1/media/story/{story_id} ] - Endpoint onde ao passar o id do conto retorne a url das mídias vinculadas
  • [DELETE -> /api/v1/media/{media_id}/user/{user_id} ] - Endpoint onde seja possível excluir uma mídia relacionada a um usuário.