
Java microservice to manage different operations of an assembly

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Assembly Service


  • This service can be used to manage different operations of an assembly, using a REST API's.

Possible Operations

  • Create new agenda.
  • Open a voting session to a given agenda.
  • Vote on agenda.
  • Get results from an agenda.


Needed dependencies

  • Docker - Recomended version: 19.03.13
  • Docker-Compose - Recomended version: 1.25.5

Running with script

  1. Give permission to execute on the starting script with chmod +x starting-script.sh
  2. Execute the starting script with ./starting-script.sh

Running manually

  1. Build the project with ./gradlew clean build
  2. Run automated tests with ./gradlew clean test
  3. Get Kafka up locally with chmod +x start-kafka.sh && ./start-kafka.sh
  4. Build docker images with docker-compose build
  5. Run docker images with docker-compose up
  • If you need to stop Kafka, just run the command chmod +x stop-kafka && ./stop-kafka.sh
  • After running manually or with script, the service will be available at the ip address http://localhost:8080 where you can find all the API documentation too.

Load/Perfomance Test

  • To execute the Gatling load test, first you need to certify that the service is up and running on http://localhost:8080
  • After make sure the service is up and running, click here and follow the instructions

Tech Choices

  • Java 11: Java is a stable and power language to build microservices, the version 11 of Java brings a lot of performance and security improvements over version 8.
  • JUnit 5: The latest version brings some good features like assertAll() and assertThrows(), that gives us more power on unit testing.
  • SpringBoot 2.3.5: SpringBoot is a complete framework to build cloud native applications easily, having a wide range of integrations with different tools.
  • Gradle 6.6.1: Gradle is a robust build tool, which make possible to run builds scripts easily.
  • Swagger 2.9.2: Swagger is probably one of the best documentation libs and widely used.
  • Apache Kafka 2.5.0: Apache Kafka is a very powerful data processing platform, it is highly scalable and easily configurable at the consumer / producer level.
  • MySql 8: The MySQL database is one of the most stable today, I chose it because it is easily configurable and allows a certain level of relationship between data.
  • Docker/Docker Compose: Docker is probably the most famous container tool in the world, it helps a lot on building and deploying any application.
  • Gatling Test: Gatling is a very good tool to execute load and performance tests on a application, it's easy to configure and to run.