
Spring REST Book Source Code

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Source code for "Spring REST Book", Apress Publishing


This repository contains source code referenced in [Spring REST] (http://www.apress.com/9781484208243) book.


The source code is organized by individual chapters. Code corresponding to each Chapter is found in the ChapterX folder where X represents the Chapter number. Each ChapterX folder further contains two sub folders - a starter folder and a final folder. The starter folder houses a project that you can use as a basis to follow along the solution described in the corresponding Chapter. Even though each Chapter builds upon the previous Chapters work, the starter project allows you to skip around in the book. For example, if you are interested in learning about security, you can simply load the QuickPoll application under Chapter8\starter folder and follow along the solution described in Chapter 8. As the name suggests, the final folder contain the exptected end state for that Chapter.

Note: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 don't have any associated code. Hence the corresponding ChapterX folders contain empty starter and final folders. In Chapter 3 we build a Hello World application and hence the Chapter3's starter and final folders contain the hello-rest application. Starting from Chapter 4, the starter and final folders contain QuickPoll project source code.


Please send your questions and comments to:

Balaji Varanasi (email)
Sudha Belida (email)