
Backend of Be Hero application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project was bootstrapped with npm init -Y


This project is the backend application of the project Be Hero. The complement repositories are following bellow:

Available scripts

To start the application:

npm start

Frameworks and libraries

  • Express
  • Nodemon (dev dependecies)
  • Banco de dados (SQLite - banco relacional de simples manuseio para desenvolvimento) - driver sqlite3
  • KNEX.JS (query builder sql) - Junto ao Migration CLI
  • Cors module(npm install cors)
  • Crypto

Info run

To create the knex file, run npx knex init. With this you can accesss the knexfile where you can set the configuration of the database.

To run the file npx knex migrate:latest

To execute a rollback or a down, just following the KNEX documentation.

npx knex migrate:status -> To see all the executed migrations.

Technical details


  • ONGS

Functionalities of application

  • Login de ONG
  • Logout de ONG
  • Cadastro de ONG
  • Cadastro de novos incidentes
  • Deletar incidentes
  • Listar incidentes especĂ­ficos de uma ONG
  • Listar todos os incidentes
  • Entrar em contato com a ONG (e-mail, whatsapp)