
Este projeto consiste na construção de um website de uma editora de livros utilizando Ruby on Rails.

Primary LanguageRuby

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Rails Publisher

This project consists of building a website for a book publisher using Ruby on Rails. Its objectives include developing basic skills in using Ruby On Rails. It is one of the projects in the mentoring program DesenvolvendoMe.

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Features 📱

CPF validation and generation of a report with books published by the author. Filtering books by title or author.
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Project Stages ☑️

1 - CRUDs

  • Register Authors
  • Register Books linked to an Author
  • Register Suppliers with an Account
  • Register Parts linked to a Supplier

2 - Implement APIs

  • Register Authors
  • Register Books linked to an Author
  • Register Suppliers with an Account
  • Register Parts linked to a Supplier

3. Roles (Rules)

  • Modify

    • Add CNPJ field in Supplier
    • Add Check Digit field in Account
    • Add ISBN field in Book
    • Add CPF field in Author
  • Calculate

    • Check Digit in Account (research how to calculate this check digit)
  • Validate

    • CNPJ in Supplier
    • ISBN in Book
    • CPF in Author

4. Filters

  • Add

    • Title field in Book
    • Name field in Part
  • Filter

    • Supplier by name
    • Supplier by account number in Account
    • Books by title
    • Books by name in Author

5. Reports

  • Add

    • Value field in Part
  • Report

    • Author (with all information including their Books (with all information) and the total number of published Books

API Documentation (Postman) ruby



  • Ruby 3.0.2
  • Rails


  1. Clone this repository
    git clone https://github.com/joaogdfaero/editora_livros_rails.git

  2. Access the project folder
    cd editora_livros_rails

  3. Install the necessary gems

  4. Run the application server
    rails s

  5. The server will start on port: 3000 - access:

Kanban kanban

Project Kanban

Mentor / Leader: Marco Castro
Student / Author: João Gabriel Dal Forno (joao.dal@acad.ufsm.br)

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