
Webhook that takes android notifications captured by IFTTT, parses its text and appends to a Google Sheet.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Budget Tracker

Webhook that takes android notifications captured by IFTTT, parses its text and appends in a Google Sheet with the data.

It currently parses some notifications from the following brazilian banks: Nubank, Caixa and Itaucard.

This repository is structured in order to work with Netlify lambda functions.

How to deploy

Setup Google API

  • Create a project in console.cloud.google.com
  • Add Google Sheets API
  • Generate service credentials for the Google Sheets API
  • Download the JSON file containing the credentials
  • Fill .env file using the downloaded JSON file

Setup Google Sheet

  • Create new sheet or choose existing on google drive
  • Share sheet via web interface with your service account email (created above)
  • Fill spreadsheet id in .env file (found in the url: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/SPREADSHEET_ID)
  • Fill the spreadsheet range in the A1 format (something like Sheet1!A1:G1)

Deploy service on Netlify

  • Fork this repository
  • Select it on Netlify web interface
  • You may use netlify CLI to automatically upload your env vars from .env:
    $ netlify env:import .env
  • Should work without any additional config


  • Create new applet
  • Setup trigger: If > Android Notification
  • Setup action: Webhooks > Make web request
    • URL: https://YOUR-APP-URL/.netlify/functions/notification-to-sheet
    • Method: POST
    • Content-type: application/json
    • Additional headers: none
    • Body:
        "receivedAt": "{{ReceivedAt}}",
        "notificationMessage": "{{NotificationMessage}}"


  • Templates are easily extended by altering the config/notifications.ts file


  • Basic authentication via secret