
Simple unzip library with Zip64 support

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT


Simple unzip library with Zip64 support


Eunzip allows opening, verifying and decompressing of Zip files > 2GB and Zip64 archives, which are not supported by the standard Erlang zip module.

Supports STORE and DEFLATE compression methods.

Basic usage

% Open a Zip file and read its structure
{ok, UnzipState} = eunzip:open("foo/bar.zip")

% Get all file and directory entries from a Zip archive
{ok, Entries} = eunzip:entries(UnzipState)

% Get specific file or directory entry from a Zip archive
{ok, Entry} = eunzip:entry(UnzipState, "README.md")

% Verify an archived file checksum
ok = eunzip:verify(UnzipState, "README.md")

% Decompress file from a Zip archive into as a target filename
ok = eunzip:decompress(UnzipState, "README.md", "unpacked/README.md")

% Close a previously opened Zip file
ok = eunzip:close(UnzipState)

Note: closing a previously opened Zip file is mandatory.

File streaming

Archived file streaming is a technique allowing to process decompressed file by chunks and perform arbitrary actions.

The example below calculates MD5 checksum on-the-fly.

stream_md5(ZipFile, ArchivedFile) ->
    {ok, UnzipState} = eunzip:open("foo/bar.zip"),
    {ok, StreamState} = eunzip:stream_init(UnzipState, "hugefile.mkv"),
    {ok, Md5} = stream_fun(StreamState, crypto:hash_init(md5)),
    ok = eunzip:close(UnzipState),

stream_fun(StreamState, Md5State) ->
    % Read 1 MB chunks of archived data per call
    case eunzip:stream_read_chunk(1024 * 1024, StreamState) of
        {ok, Data} ->
            Md5State1 = crypto:hash_update(Md5State, Data),
            {ok, crypto:hash_final(Md5State1)};
        {more, Data, StreamState1} ->
            stream_fun(StreamState1, crypto:hash_update(Md5State, Data));
        {error, Reason} ->
            {error, Reason}

Note: stream is closed automatically if all of the file data is read or an error occured.

If you don't want to read until the end of the file, you should call eunzip:stream_end/1 function:

ok = eunzip:stream_end(StreamState)


Eunzip is based on the Unzip Elixir library by Akash Hiremath.